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Kingdom Rush is a fun an interesting game that can be played on line and off line. The game is placed in the Medieval time period. You can choose from different towers. Mage towers can shoot lightning bolts, or shoot lasers at your enemies. Castle towers can block and fight off getting away people. They are also useful for blocking the exit if you do not have any money left. Archer towers are little people that shoot arrows at your foes. You can upgrade a lot in this game. Artillery is useful if big, beefy giants come your way. Difficulty in this game is pushed up a notch. As the game goes on, you will find that it changes seasons. If it is in winter, the game automatically gets harder. If it is in spring then it will be a easier. The region matters too. Often they make it harder by limiting you to fewer spaces to put your towers. Some times in stead they will limit the number of towers that you can use. Orcs come early in the game, so be ready for them! Often the farther you get into the game, the bigger and better the enemy people become. Once and awhile bats come. You have to have special archers and mages to fight these foes. Some times, if you can get some more upgrades you can have your castle towers have throwing axes, and make them throw them at the overhead bats. In the menu, you can manually upgrade your tower to the extent of your money. Downloading the game is awesome! If you download the game you can save when ever you like. However, this is totally different if you are playing the game online. If you want to play the game online, then play it through www.armorgames.com. On some versions the weather changes. In those versions, you some times have different towers too! Wolves are another enemy. They are fast and agile, but they have have very little life. Arrows are good at knocking out this enemy. You have other means of helping you friends by two extra tools. One of these tools is Flaming Hail. This it the biggest one that you can have. You can upgrade these tools. For instance, you can upgrade the Flaming Hail to scatter shot. You also have reinforcement troops. Some times in other versions you may not be able to upgrade. I hope that you will love this game as much as I do! Plus, I look forward to your comments.